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Serving Hertfordshire and West Essex
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Pregnant/New Baby
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Mum & Baby app
Domestic Abuse
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Covid infection during pregnancy under and over 20 weeks
Rashes in pregnancy
Reduced baby movements during pregnancy
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Tummy ache/abdominal pain in pregnancy
Bleeding in Pregnancy
Feeling faint in pregnancy
Morning sickness in pregnancy
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Urinary incontinence
Weight gain in pregnancy
Drug and Alcohol in pregnancy
Smoking in pregnancy
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Family and friends support in pregnancy
Healthy eating and vitamins in pregnancy
Newborns and babies less than 3 months
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Childhood Vaccinations
New baby - what to expect
Umbilical cord care
Infant feeding
My baby is crying all the time
My baby is finding it hard to breathe
My baby has Fever / High Temperature
My baby has a 'funny shaped' head
My baby has a rash
My baby is yellow / jaundice
6-8 weeks mother and baby check
Maternal mental health
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Antenatal & postnatal depression
Anxiety in the perinatal period
Bereavement and loss
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Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD)
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Perinatal obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Postpartum Psychosis
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New baby - what to expect
My baby is crying all the time
My baby has Fever / High Temperature
My baby has a rash
Childhood Vaccinations
Infant feeding
My baby is finding it hard to breathe
My baby has a 'funny shaped' head
My baby is yellow / jaundice
Concerned your child is unwell (3 months and older)?
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Asthma attack
Secondary Care Resources
Asthma resources for healthcare professionals and GP's
Asthma resources for parents/carers
Support to help you stop smoking
Asthma action plan
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Asthma Friendly Schools Programme
Difficulty breathing and wheeze
Cough and cold
Diarrhoea and vomiting
Difficulty breathing and wheeze
My Child swallowed an object
Fever / High Temperature
Tummy ache
Infections (eg chicken pox, slapped cheek disease, whooping cough)
Group A Streptococcus and Scarlet Fever
Norovirus (Winter Vomiting)
How to give your child liquid medicines
Teaching your child to swallow tablets
Poisoning/ accidental swallowing
Accidents and injuries - keeping your child safe in the home
Nose Bleeds
Leg Injury
Arm Injury
Hand, foot and mouth disease
Sore throat
What to keep in your Medicine Cabinet
Pharmacy First
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Keeping your child healthy
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Exercise and Physical Activity
Eating well
Oral Health
Childhood Vaccinations
Eye screening and tests
Healthy Weight
Health Visitors
Maintaining your child's emotional wellbeing
School Nursing
Infant feeding
What a healthy day looks like for your child
What to keep in your Medicine Cabinet
Pharmacy First
Summer Safety - tips and advice
Should my child go to school/nursery today?
Children with complex needs
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Epilepsy General Safety
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Epilepsy as a Teenager and Young Adult
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Children's Palliative Care
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Support & advice for parents on body image concerns
Support & advice for parents on SEND services
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Neurodiversity support hub
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Cost of Living support for parents, carers, young people and families
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Health for Young People
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Mental Health
'Help I'm in crisis'
Impact of Covid-19 on Mental Health
Support & Advice in Essex for young people
Support & Advice in Hertfordshire for young people
Self-Help Ideas
Anxiety (worry)
Depression (low mood)
Psychosis (and hearing voices)
Need help coping with the death of a loved one?
Worried about a friend’s mental health?
Eating Difficulties
Support and Advice in Hertfordshire for Parents
Support and Advice in Essex for Parents
Staying healthy
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Eating well for Young People
Drugs, substance abuse and legal highs
Growing up
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Exam pressure
Body Image and Self-Esteem
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Alcohol abuse and Binge drinking
Drugs, substance abuse and legal highs
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Periods and Menstrual Cycle
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Abdominal Pain
Acute exacerbation of asthma
Common infectious illnesses in children
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
Crying baby and Colic
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Head Injury
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Jaundice in babies
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Sore throat
Clinical pathways - remote assessment
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Abdominal pain
Cough and breathlessness in children under 1 year
Cough and breathlessness in children over 1 year
Diarrhoea & vomiting
Sore throat
Education, training and useful resources
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Useful Videos for Children
Think Sepsis
HEEADSSS Screening & Resources
Fontanelle Podcasts
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Abdominal Pain
Acute exacerbation of asthma
Common infectious illnesses in children
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Parent information sheets on common medications
GP / Primary Care Staff
GP / Primary Care Staff submenu
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Safety netting and parent information sheets
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Abdominal Pain
Acute exacerbation of asthma
Common infectious illnesses in children
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Crying baby and Colic
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Sore throat
Urinary Track Infection (UTI)
Fits, Faints and Funny turns
Cow's Milk Protein Allergy
Asthma resources for healthcare professionals and GP's
Clinical pathways
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Abdominal pain remote pathway
Bronchiolitis clinical pathway
Cough and breathlessness in children under 1 year - remote pathway
Cough and breathlessness in children over 1 year- remote pathway
Diarrhoea & vomiting - remote pathway
Earache - remote pathway
Fever - remote pathway
Head injury
Limp Clinical Pathway
Sore throat - remote pathway
Wheeze pathway
Group A Streptococcus
Croup Discharge Advice Sheet
Croup Clinical Assessment pathway
Abdominal pain Face to Face Clinical pathway
Fever Face to Face Clinical Pathway
Diarrhoea and Vomiting Face to Face Clinical pathway
Lymphadenopathy Face to Face Clinical pathway
Sepsis Clinical pathway
Urinary Tract Infection Clinical pathway
Constipation Clinical pathway
Education, training and useful resources
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Parent information sheets on common medications
Useful Videos for Children
Hertfordshire and West Essex Training Hub
MMR and Measles programme resources
Asthma Annual review sheet
CAHMS School referral form
Asthma Management plan
UK HSA Strep Communication support pack
Hertfordshire Immunisation training programme 2024
GP Clinic Resources for Young People
GP Clinic Resources for Young People submenu
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General Young Person's Clinic resources - for professionals
Eating Disorder/body image resources - for professionals and patients
General wellbeing and mental health resources
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Hertfordshire CYPMHS Service Directory October 2023
Five ways to wellbeing for Primary School aged children
Five ways to wellbeing for Secondary School aged children
Just Talk Self Care around Body Image
Just Talk Social Media top tips
Just Talk Journal
Five ways to wellbeing for Secondary School aged children
CAMHS GP Newsletters - for professionals
Parent information sheets on common medications
UKHSA Measles Notification letter
Health Visitors
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Safety netting and parent information sheets
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Abdominal Pain
Acute exacerbation of asthma
Common infectious illnesses in children
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Crying baby and Colic
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Sore throat
Clinical pathways - remote assessment
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Abdominal pain
Diarrhoea & vomiting
Sore throat
Education, training and useful resources
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Think Sepsis
Fontanelle Podcasts
Useful Videos for Children
Useful Videos for Children
Bronchiolitis and RSV resources for professionals
Hospital Staff
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Safety netting and parent information sheets
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Abdominal Pain
Acute exacerbation of asthma
Common infectious illnesses in children
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Crying baby and Colic
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Febrile Convulsion
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Sore throat
Education, training and useful resources
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Fontanelle Podcasts
Useful Videos for Children
Bronchiolitis and RSV resources for professionals
Bronchiolitis and RSV resources for professionals
Parent information sheets on common medications
Midwives submenu
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Safety netting and parent information sheets
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Crying baby and Colic
Abdominal Pain
Acute exacerbation of asthma
Common infectious illnesses in children
Cough/colds (over 1's)
Cough/colds (under 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Education, training and useful resources
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Fontanelle Podcasts
Useful Videos for Children
Bronchiolitis and RSV resources for professionals
Parent information sheets on common medications
NHS 111 clinicians
NHS 111 clinicians submenu
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Safety netting and parent information sheets
Safety netting and parent information sheets submenu
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Abdominal Pain
Asthma Action Plan
Acute exacerbation of asthma
Common infectious illnesses in children
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Crying baby and Colic
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Sore throat
Clinical pathways - remote assessment
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Abdominal pain
Cough and breathlessness in children under 1 year of age
Cough and breathlessness in children over 1 year of age
Sore throat
Top tips for remotely assessing a child
Training videos for remote assessment
Education, training and useful resources
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Fontanelle Podcasts
Useful Videos for Children
Parent information sheets on common medications
Pharmacists submenu
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Safety netting and parent information sheets
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Abdominal Pain
Asthma Action Plan
Acute exacerbation of asthma
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
Crying baby and Colic
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Fever in children over 5 years
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Sore throat
Education, training and useful resources
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Useful Videos for Children
Parent information sheets on common medications
School Nurses
School Nurses submenu
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Safety netting and parent information sheets
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Abdominal Pain
Acute exacerbation of asthma
Common infectious illnesses in children
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Fever in children over 5 years
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Sore throat
Clinical pathways - remote assessment
Clinical pathways - remote assessment submenu
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Sore throat
Abdominal pain
Education, training and useful resources
Education, training and useful resources submenu
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Useful Videos for Children
Bronchiolitis and RSV resources for professionals
Parent information sheets on common medications
School Resources
School / Childcare Staff
School / Childcare Staff submenu
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Safety netting and parent information sheets
Safety netting and parent information sheets submenu
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Abdominal Pain
Acute exacerbation of asthma
Common infectious illnesses in children
Conjunctivitis in children
Cough/colds (under 1's)
Cough/colds (over 1's)
COVID-19 advice for parents of children with long term medical conditions
Crying baby and Colic
Diarrhoea and/or Vomiting
Earache (following remote assessment)
Febrile Convulsion
Head Injury
Jaundice in babies
Otitis externa (swimming ear)
Rhinosinusitis/persistent runny nose
Sore throat
Education, training and useful resources
Education, training and useful resources submenu
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Useful Videos for Children
Bronchiolitis and RSV resources for professionals
Asthma - resources for teachers
Parent information sheets on common medications
Should my child go to school/nursery today?
Complications from excess Weight - Clinics for children
Parent information sheets on common medications
Pregnant/New Baby
Newborns and babies less than 3 months
Newborns and babies less than 3 months
6-8 weeks mother and baby check
Childhood Vaccinations
Infant feeding
My baby has a 'funny shaped' head
My baby has a rash
My baby has Fever / High Temperature
My baby is crying all the time
My baby is finding it hard to breathe
My baby is yellow / jaundice
New baby - what to expect
Umbilical cord care
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