Children and young people's therapy services

Therapy services provide occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy. Therapy teams work with children and young people in the most appropriate setting to promote functional skills. They routinely visit early years settings, mainstream schools and specialist educational settings. Children may also be seen at home or in a clinic according to clinical need.

There are five teams across Hertfordshire and west Essex:

  • North Hertfordshire and Stevenage
  • East Hertfordshire
  • St Albans and Dacorum
  • Watford and Three Rivers.

HCRG Care group/Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service deliver services in: 

  • West Essex 

In addition to these teams there are specialist occupational therapy teams who work across the county to support with home adaptations and deliver specialist moving and handling training. There are specialist speech and language therapy teams who support dysphagia (feeding and swallowing) and multidisciplinary autism assessment pathways across Hertfordshire.

What can you do to help your child?

The children and young people's therapy service (CYPT) has provided a number of resources for parents and people who work with children in the more information and support section below.

This is general advice to help overcome some common difficulties as well as specific advice sheets which a therapist may recommend for you.

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