
Are you pregnant?

Everyone has different reactions to finding out they’re pregnant. Some people will be delighted, while others will feel shocked or worried - and everybody will need time to think and accurate information about what to do next. The brook offers advice and information on a range of subjects you might have questions about, as well as contact details for people who can support and talk to you during this time.

Teenage pregnancy support guide. NHS Choices offers emotional and practical advice to support teenagers who are pregnant. They also provide a list of useful local and national organisations who can offer help and advice. 

Be sure to read The Young Woman’s Guide to Pregnancy, which was written by the charity Tommy’s especially for women under the age of 20, and includes the real pregnancy experiences of young mums.

How does pregnancy happen?

To become pregnant, an egg must be released from your ovaries and then fertilised by sperm. Every month you release an egg (sometimes two) around 14 days after the first day of your period, or 10-16 days before the start of your next period. The egg travels down the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries to the womb. Once released, the egg lives for around 24 hours. This process is called ovulation.

Technically, a woman is more likely to become pregnant during ovulation, but it’s impossible to know exactly when you are ovulating because your menstrual cycle can vary each month.

Although this might make it sound like there is a small chance of getting pregnant, it is important to remember that sperm can live in your body for up to seven days.

Am I definitely pregnant?

You can buy a pregnancy test from a pharmacy, or you can ask for a test to be done at:

  • your general practice
  • a contraception clinic
  • a young people’s service (there will be an upper age limit)
  • a pharmacy (there may be a charge)
  • most NHS walk-in centres (England only)
  • a sexual health or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic.
Use Emergency Contraception

If you’ve had sex without using contraception within the last five days, or you think your contraception may have failed for some reason don’t panic – you can usually prevent pregnancy by using emergency contraception if you act fast.

Please see the emergency contraception page for more information.

Visit our Contraception page to find out more.


What to do if you think you are pregnant?

If you think you are pregnant you should contact you GP for advice and information. Advice and information on how to do so can be found here

You may also want to access your local sexual health services for free testing and information. 

In Hertfordshire : Sexual Health Hertfordshire

In West Essex : Essex Sexual Health Service

‘Asking for a Friend’ is a new online platform hosted by Essex Sexual Health Service, designed to empower young people with confidential access to sexual health services and resources.  The platform hosts a range of information for young people with a focus on key topics as highlighted by young people through the Essex Relationships and Sex Education survey.   Visit Asking for a Friend to learn more.