Worried about a friend’s mental health?

Papyrus is the national charity for the prevention of young suicide. Their national helpline, HOPELineUK, including text and email services, is staffed by a team of mental health professionals who provide practical help and advice to vulnerable young people and to those concerned about any young person who may be at risk of suicide.

Epic friends is all about helping young people to help friends who might be struggling to cope emotionally. On this site, you can find out about the most common teenage mental health issues, how to spot them and how to help.
Get Help Now (hpftcamhs.nhs.uk)
f you, a friend or a family member are experiencing a mental health crisis, call: 0800 6444 101 in the first instance. Experienced mental health professionals will:
- Help to put worries and anxieties in perspective
- Signpost to local services and make referrals if needed
- Provide information on diagnoses, mental health issues and medication
- Support those in crisis with a plan to ensure they get the right help.