
What is self-harm?
Self-harm is when you hurt yourself on purpose. You usually do it because something else feels wrong. That is, you are emotionally distressed have overwhelming feelings or in psycological pain .It seems like the only way to let those feelings out.
It is a very common behaviour and affects around 1 in 12 people with 10% of 15-16 year olds self-harming.
Reasons for Self-Harm
If you self-harm it is usually as a result of another problem.
You may be :
- feeling anxious, depressed, stressed
- bullied and feeling low
- feeling you don't have any other way of dealing with these issues.
Sometimes it feels like no one understands why you self-harm but lots more people today know about what the condition really means.
Self-harm is difficult to talk about but it's a common problem. You will find that your parent or a trusted adult will help and find the right support for you.
What to do about self-harm?
Take the first step - If you think you're affected by self-harm talk to someone, a parent, guardian or relative you trust, perhaps a teacher or youth worker? If you don't feel as though you can confide in anyone, talk to your GP.
Why talk to your GP? Self-harm can be a sign of other disorders that you need help with such as depression or anxiety and they can refer you to the right people for treatment. Your GP will be aware of different local services which may be able to offer you some help.
Treating Injuries - You may well need treatment quickly for injuries from self-harming. If you have any open wounds, they may require a dressing. A school nurse or GP may be able to treat the injuries themselves or may refer you to hospital. If you take more than your prescribed dosage, or a pill/tablet that is not prescribed for you, you will require urgent care via emergency services.
west Essex:
National: Find out what self-harm means and what to do if you're affected by it. Visit Young minds or clicking on their icon below.