Depression (low mood)
What is Depression?
Depression is a mental health difficulty that involves persistent low mood (continuing for a long time). It impacts on the way people feel, think and behave. Depression can happen as a reaction to difficult experiences such as bullying, bereavement or family relationship difficulties. It can also happen without any obvious trigger or reason.

Here's an insightful video from YoungMinds Matter ambassador, YouTuber and former Radio 1 presenter Daniel Howell:
People with depression can feel a range of emotions including sadness, stress, hopelessness, loneliness, irritability (anger), emptiness or numbness. People with depression often have negative thoughts about themselves, other people, the future or life in general. It can be hard to carry out usual routines and tasks including self-care (showering/ brushing your teeth), eating and sleeping.
People with depression often stop enjoying activities or seeing friends as they can feel tired and have no energy or motivation. People with severe depression, and/or depression that has been going on for a long time, sometimes have thoughts or urges to harm themselves or to end their lives. It is important to tell someone so that a safety plan that supports the person not to act on these thoughts can be put in place.
Depression isn’t something people can ‘snap out of’ or simply ‘cheer up’ from. It’s a medical condition that can affect many aspects of a person’s life if not treated. The good news is that depression is treatable and people can recover.
- It is important to tell someone how you are feeling so that you are not alone. You could talk to a parent/ carer, teacher, health professional (school nurse or your GP). This is particularly important if you are having thoughts or urges to harm yourself or end your life. If you are feeling unsafe or in crisis, see the ‘Help I’m in Crisis’ page
- Following a basic daily routine and making sure that you still do the activities you need to do and do some other activities that you used to enjoy but have perhaps stopped doing because you are feeling depressed. Plan activities for the morning, afternoon and evening and try to stick to these even if you do not feel like it. Avoiding or withdrawing from activity is known to lower mood so make sure that you see friends, go to school/ college, do things you enjoy (or used to).
- Look after yourself; eat well, sleep, get some fresh air daily, do exercise and avoid self-medication (for example using alcohol, drugs or caffeine).
Hertfordshire: Mental health and wellbeing | Hertfordshire County Council
west Essex: Home - Mind in West Essex
National : Young minds is a national charity that provides advice and support. You can access their webpage by clicking on the ICON below.