Body Image and Self-Esteem
Lots of people feel pressure to look or dress and even act a certain way. Worrying about what other people think of you can cause a lot of worry and sometimes people can feel badly about themselves which impacts on their self-esteem and confidence.

Body Image
Having a healthy body image means being comfortable and knowing that there is more to us than just our physical appearance. We accept our bodies, even when they aren't exactly what we want, and still always appreciate it.
On the other hand, having an unhealthy body image means we tend to think that our body is unattractive. This 'body dissatisfaction' is within our own minds but can be caused by other factors such as social media or puberty. Sometimes, these factors make us forget that we matter more than just what we look like. It can lead to shame or anger associated with our bodies.
What you can do to feel more confident and improve your self esteem
There are lots of things you can do to look after yourself and help you to feel more confident. For help if you worry about how you look see the following video.
Sandbox offer information and advice from experts and from young people. Check out their website.
First Step is a charity offering support for young people who have eating disorders.
Help and Resources available to you
Books available:
- Banish Your Self-esteem thief; a Workbook on building positive self-esteem for young people by Kate Collins-Donnelly
- Banish your body image thief; A workbook on building positive body image for young people by Kate Collins-Donnelly
- The self-esteem workbook for teens by Schab
- Little Blue book of sunshine - a mental health booklet that has been developed for children and young people living in Hampshire, Southampton and the Isle of Wight. The book aims to help children and young people by sharing tips on how to deal with many problems, such as anxiety, body image, relationships and anger. It also includes information about where to get help when needed, including information about local services. Click here to access the PDF or access the booklet via Apple Books or Google Play Books
Click here to access the PDF or access the booklet via Apple Books or Google Play Books.
- Good Blocks - Improve confidence and self-esteem (android)
- Good Blocks - Improve confidence and self-esteem (apple)