Domestic Abuse in pregnancy

Tell your midwife or maternity service if you are experiencing Domestic Abuse as they will find the right support for you and your baby

Domestic abuse during pregnancy, whether physical, verbal or emotional, produces many adverse, physical and psychological effects for both the mother and unborn baby.

Contact information for your local maternity service

East and North Hertfordshire (The Lister Hospital): 01438 284 124

West Essex (The Princess Alexandra Hospital): 01279 827 286 

South and West Hertfordshire (Watford General Hospital): 01923 217 343

Domestic Abuse in pregnancy

Domestic abuse is very common; approximately 1.3 million women suffer abuse in some form every year. Often women experience more than one type of abuse which has a wide range of effects on both physical and mental wellbeing. If not addressed this can have long term health consequences. Pregnancy can trigger an increase in the frequency and intensity of abuse and many women will experience it for the first time during their pregnancy. 

What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse is not always physical violence. It can also be:

  • coercive control (this is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish or frighten their victim)
  • economic abuse (financial abuse involves a perpetrator using or misusing money which limits and controls their partner's current and future actions and their freedom of choice)
  • online abuse
  • threats and intimidation
  • emotional abuse
  • sexual abuse

Domestic abuse support for women

We know that people suffering abuse often want help but feel they cannot speak out; this is why all health care staff have been trained to ask you about your relationship and if you feel safe at home. Midwives, GP’s and Health visitors will support you and your family offering advice and referral to a specialist worker if this is needed. They will not make decisions for you but can offer guidance and information so that you can move forward together and keep yourself safe.  

The National Domestic Abuse Helpline is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The phone number is 0808 2000 247. The helpline can help you find a refuge vacancy for you and your children, and other specialist services in your community and can provide support whether you have left your partner or not.  

Local services can also offer support

Hertfordshire: Hertfordshire Domestic Abuse Helpline is a confidential helpline, free, support and signposting service for anyone affected by domestic abuse. The helpline is available 9am to 9pm weekdays and 9am to 4pm weekends. The phone number is 08 088 088 088.

West Essex: Essex Domestic Abuse Helpline is a partnership of domestic abuse services, called COMPASS. The helpline is available from 8am to 8pm weekdays and 8am to 1pm weekends. The phone number is 0300 333 7 444. 

Domestic abuse support for men

1 in 7 men experience domestic abuse, and it is important that men have access to support also. In addition to the above services, men can contact ManKind, a national service helpline aimed at helping men escape domestic abuse. The phone number is freephone (will not show on your bill) 0808 800 1170 and helpline is 01823 334 244 (for those with inclusive minutes). The helpline is available Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm. 

Pregnant women with a learning disability and/or autism

Women with learning disabilities, autism or both are three times more likely to experience domestic abuse than their non-disabled peers. This might be because they have difficulties and concerns when accessing the support they need. They may also be reliant on their abuser for mobility and personal care. Some disabilities can limit a person's ability to understand and recognise potential signs of abuse. Therefore it is very important that when a woman with a learning disability and/or autism becomes pregnant, they can identify if they are being abused and reach out to their midwife or GP for help. 

The University of Kent has produced a video made by and for women with learning disabilities in the UK: it describes what domestic violence is and tells women how they can get help.

There is more information on Domestic Abuse on the following pages

NHS UK: Domestic abuse in pregnancy - NHS (

HertfordshireHertfordshire Domestic Abuse Service  call us:  08 088 088 088 Talk to us confidentially and anonymously.

West EssexWest Essex Domestic Abuse Service , Essex Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0330 333 7 444


For Baby's SakeFor parents - For Baby's Sake (

National domestic violence helpline, or call on : 0808 200 0247. 

ManKind Initiative - Supporting Male Victims of Domestic Abuse freephone 0808 8001170 / helpline 01823 334 244.

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